Monday is Goal Day

Good Morning :)
A new week of training has just begun, and it's high time you started to consider your B2 goals. 
Sometimes it can seem as if there is a moutain between us and our objectives. However, by doing a little bit of practice each day, these objectives can be reached with ease.

As luck would have it, today is Monday, a great day to take up a new activity or create new daily habits.
Well for those of you who are joining the blog from today, I'd like to welcome you. Take a look at the Daily Trainer Schedule to understand further.

1. Today's Listening task is Part 3 of the FCE exam. (The one with the five speakers) 

2. This weeks Phrasal verbs. Don't make them your enemy. Pick one and try to use it throughout the day in context. Then do the same tomorrow but using a different phrasal verb. 

3. Now to complete today's training, here is a short, but very informative activity from the BBC.
Leave a comment below with your opinion on the article using the new vocabulary.

If you are now reading this last message, we are done for today. 
See you tomorrow for some more fun filled, (I'm not lying) Speaking activities.

Over and Out ;)


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