First day is easy. (+ Phase 1 Schedule)

Welcome to the Daily Trainer. 

Nice to see you :) 
Here you'll find the extra resources, links and all you'll need to prepare for your Cambridge B2 exam.
Let's start by introducing the schedule that I recommend you use.( Then scroll down for today's activities.)

DAILY TRAINER Cambridge B2 – First Certificate PHASE 1

Optional training.

You decide what you need and do at least 10 minutes of activites or revision.
Using the resources found within Londinium’s Aula Virtual or in the Blog.
  • Do at least 10 minutes of activity. This is equal to one part of the official exam.
  • One you have corrected the test, listen again to hear where you may have gone wrong.
  • Don’t panic! Native learners themselves only hear 80% of the conversation. The rest they assume from context.
You will have been or will be going to class. Therefore Speaking skills are the main focus of today’s training.
  • Use your time wisely, as this is your chance to practice with others.
  • Don’t waste your time in the spanglish comfort zone, Ask for the meaning or any words you may need,
  • Have fun. Talking is fun after all.
Writing/ Reading
With thousands of resources online these should be the easiest skills to practice.
  • Go to create an account and get writing.
  • Google First Certificate or B2 writing/reading exercises for even more practice.
  • Practice using the linkers and connectors.
  • Don’t forget- format, style, language.
Use of English
Everyone’s favourite. However, it’s always easier than you think!
  • Practice all parts. In the official exam these are part 2,3 and 4 of the Reading and Use of English Paper.
  • Study prefixes and sufixes, phrasal verbs, etc.
  • Read the whole question before answering, the context and grammer found in the sentence will serve as clues to hep you reach the correct answer.
This is now down to your personal needs. After a this week s training you will have started to see which grammar points you need to revise.
  • So revise them, make a list throughout the week ready for today.
  • Do the grammar activities you find in the aula and on the blog.
  • Spend at least 30 minutes.
  • Ask me, use Google, You tube or any other resource.
Rest day
Every good athlete knows that rest is just as important for muscle growth as their training.
  • So relax
  • Eat pizza
  • Take a walk
  • Enjoy a film
  • Listen to music
  • Dance
  • Sleep in late
  • or to the beach
  • Just chill
Take 5 minutes to pick and put into context one Phrasal Verb. Use it during your day and see how many situations you can add it to.
Make a list of the grammar you need to revise.
Leave a comment in the blog so I can have a record of your activity for that day, and if you need anything extra please mention this also.
Watch Series in English. I don’t care which, how or when. Just relax and enjoy it.
Any questions, contact me via:
Aula virtual Londinium Study Centre ,
or as done so in the ‘olden days’ in the classroom.

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    Remember your brain is a muscle just like any other in your body.

So entertain it with focus, daily practice and some passion in the mix. Using this formula you can achieve anything!

    1. Here is today's listening task 

  2.  Phrasal Verbs

 3. BBC 6 Minute English
Learn vocabulary while you listen and read to a short article provided by the BBC. Today's topic is marriage.

Well, that's all for today folks. See you tomorrow ;)
