Summerizing is the key - Reading Part 6 / Writing part 2 Email

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening
Time to get back to work. There's a lot to do and the exam date gets closer eveyday. By popular request today we will focus primarily on Reading Part 6. 
So what do we need to do in Part 6?
In this part you have to answer 6 questions and you have the option of 7 sentences to use.

  • Always read the title of the text, this gives you the overall idea of what you're about to read.
  • Read the whole text before looking at the optional sentences.
  • Summerize each paragraph that has a missing sentence, into a few key words. This will help you locate and match the paragraphs contect to the sentences.
  • Now you can read all the sentences carefully before you start to match them to the paragraphs.
  • Look for the logical clues. These can include, time phrases, names and pronouns, contrast words, verb tenses, etc.

Take a look below for a further explantion of how to find the clues.

Now try using these next links. Here you will find some online exercises to test your skills in this part.

With these 3 exercises you should have enough extra practice on this part to become a pro ;)

Time for some writing folks!

Via the official Cambridge English website are these wonderful 10 minute activities. In this next link you'll find tips and activities related to writing an informal email or letter.

Also if you are in need of some tips and training for the formal email or letter there is this helpful link. It includes a video and activity all related to this option in part 2 of the writing.
Now try the task below. Use all those handy tips and language Cambridge has given you. Happy Writing!
Well Done! You're one step closer to writing like a boss. (For you Maxi.)

See you tomorrow :)
