Talk To Me - Extra Speaking and Grammar Prepositions for and to.

It's Fri-nally here!
Tomorrow is the day. Speaking exam day. Therefore today along with the grammar we have extra speaking tasks. Let's start with the grammar you requested, prepositions for and to.
Ok so it's basic grammar but these prepositions are also the most common mistakes I hear on a regular basis. Here is a quick explanation from Lucy to help you. (Skip forward to 2imnutes to hear the explanation, if you don't have much time.)
Now try this exercise to practice your knowledge and to make sure you never make the same mistakes again. (It's a pdf with answers, so be good and no cheating!) 

Ok, now the dust has settled around the 'for vs to' mistakes, you can now produce this language correctly in the next speaking exam tasks. Let's go straight to PART 1 and remember,

Click on the next link for an amazingly long list of possible questions. Pick 2 from each category and set the timer for 30 seconds. Now talk aloud and be proud. 

The next task correspondingly is PART 2. In this part don't forget that speculation is the key. You will be asked to compare the photos and then answer the question, which is usually "Why is someone doing/ feeling /making/..... something?" 

Click below to go though Googles vast collection of PART 2 images. Pick 3 and set the timer for 1 minute. 

For PART 3 I recommend you watch a video to revise and mark their performace. Take notes what do well and what mistakes do they make, learn from them.
Last but not least, speaking PART 4. Remember in this part when your partner is talking, DON'T RELAX AND FALL ASLEEP! Theexaminer may ask you for your opinion on what your partner has just said.

Here are some part 4 questions, pick as many as you like and talk for at least a minute on each to practice.

Good Luck to you all.
See you on the other side :)
