Reading Resources, Exam Practice and a Little Reported Speech

I gave you some reading for homework, although if you feel you'd like some more practice here's this weeks BBC6 Minute English article. Listen, read and learn some new vocabulary.

Also I informed you told you that there are many free audio books out there for your enjoyment. here are a few links to point you in the right direction.The first link is the best I have found so please read and absorb all those wonderful expressions.

There are many other sites and videos, but these I found to be the best for your level. Audio books are a great resource for your learning process, helping you learn,
  • Vocabulary
  • Collocations 
  • Phrasal verbs 
  • and many other gramatic structures. 
  • Also improving your pronunciation as you listen and read you can repeat the words you hear, helping you become more confident and fluent.

Happy Reading ;)

Ok, now for the serious stuff, READING AND USE OF ENGLISH practice exercises. Follow the links and do as much practice exercises as possible.

And finally as promised the pdf download of the extreamly detailed Reported Speech explanation.

Here's and online exercise to help you. And don't forget that Use of English Part 4 almost always has a Reported Speech question so study well.

I hope that you have found all of this helpful, if there is anything else you need leave a comment or speak to me directly. 

See you soon ;)
